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What Parents Should Know

Getting an ID Card

To get an ID card the student must:

If a student does not have photo ID or meet expectations, we will ask them to come back when they do. The ID Center has been asked to be a checkpoint for Dress and Grooming expectations by BYU leadership. You'll see students and guest all around campus who do not meet expectations because many campus businesses do not have this requirement. We do. Please encourage your students to meet all expectations. Thank you.

For more information about ID card eligibility, see BYU ID card Student Roles.

Please be aware, family and friends will be asked to wait outside the ID Center during New Student Orientation week. Thousands of students visit our small office during NSO week and we appreciate family and friends helping keep a clear path for students. Comfortable seating is available to the east and west of the ID Center.

No photos or videos may be taken in the ID Center.

Student Privacy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects a student's privacy interests in educational records. These records include any information directly related to a student and maintained by BYU unless specifically exempted by the act. Information can only be given to the student unless one of the following exceptions applies:

  1. A parent demonstrates to the ID Center that the student is claimed as a dependent for federal tax purposes.
  2. We have received written consent from the student allowing someone else access to their ID card and related account information.

When a parent deposits Cougar Cash to a student's ID card or purchases a meal plan for a student, this is considered a gift to the student—similar to giving a gift card. Making a deposit or a purchase for a student does not entitle a parent to request information or make changes to a student's account or meal plan.

Cougar Cash

  • Every student has a Cougar Cash account on their ID card.
  • Cougar Cash is a retail account. While it is managed in My Financial Center, it is not connected to a student's financial account. Most Financial account payments such as tuition or health insurance may NOT be paid by Cougar Cash. Some miscellaneous Financial account payments may be paid by Cougar Cash, in person at the ASB One Stop/Financial Services desk. Financial account funds cannot be moved to Cougar Cash.
  • Students can load Cougar Cash onto their ID card via e-check in My Financial Center (mfc.byu.edu). Students can also load Cougar Cash in a few clicks via the BYU app. Or students can sign up for Cougar Cash Direct. Direct allows a student to make purchases without loading funds first. When the student has spent more than $10 or 45 days have passed, BYU will charge the student's designated checking account for the purchases. Direct has a default daily purchase limit of $250.
  • Most textbook purchases are charged to a student's Financial account, not Cougar Cash/ID card. If you want to use Cougar Cash to pay for textbooks, please specify this with the BYU Store clerk.
  • Cougar Cash can be used at dining locations, vending machines, the BYU Store, WSC retail operations, copy centers, computer labs, and other campus retail locations.
  • Students and BYU employees don't pay sales tax at campus restaurants when they pay with Cougar Cash! That's a savings of 8.25%!

For more information on Cougar Cash locations and policies, visit the Cougar Cash website, cougarcash.byu.edu.

Meal Plans

  • Dining Services meal plans are also on the ID card.
  • At Dining locations purchases are automatically deducted from meal plans first. If sufficient meal plan funds are not available to complete a transaction, the register will automatically cascade to Cougar Cash. If Cougar Cash is not sufficient to complete the transaction, the remaining balance can be paid with cash, check or credit/debit card.
  • At non-dining locations like the BYU Store, copy centers, or laundry machines, purchases are automatically deducted from Cougar Cash, bypassing any meal plans.

Meal plans are administered by the Meal Plan Office, division of Campus Accommodations, 100 USB, 801-422-6944, mealplans@byu.edu.

Meal plans can be purchased online by logging in to MyBYU and selecting the My Dining Account campus link under the School drop-down menu. Meal plans are charged to the student's Financial Account. Please be sure your student is aware of the plan's start date, end date, and other important terms and conditions. For more information on meal plans visit dining.byu.edu.