ID Card Policies
CES Dress and Grooming Principles and Expectations
CES Dress and Grooming Principles and Expectations are part of the CES Honor Code
When considering Honor Code and dress and grooming decisions, the teachings of the prophets and apostles, as well as Church instruction, such as “For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices
CES Dress and Grooming Principles
Each student, employee, and volunteer commits to:
- Represent the Savior Jesus Christ, the Church, and the Church Educational System
- Preserve an inspiring environment, without distraction or disruption, where covenants are kept in a spirit of unity so the Holy Ghost can teach truth
- Promote modesty, cleanliness, neatness, and restraint in dress and grooming
- Maintain an elevated standard distinctive to educational institutions of the Church of Jesus Christ

Dress and grooming expectations as in the examples below should align with these principles. However, application of these principles is not limited to the expectations listed. Members of the university community are expected to apply these principles to dress and grooming questions as they arise.
CES Dress and Grooming Expectations
Dress for men and women should:
- Be modest in fit and style. Dressing in a way that would cover the temple garment is a good guideline, whether or not one has been endowed. Accommodation may be made for athletic participation.
- Be neat and clean. Sloppy, overly casual, ragged, or extreme clothing is not acceptable.
- Hair should be clean, neat, modest, and avoid extremes in styles and colors.
- Men’s hair should be neatly trimmed. Men should be clean shaven. If worn, mustaches should be neatly trimmed.
Beard Waivers
Students who have need of a Beard Waiver, please contact the Honor Code Office, 4450 WSC, 801-422-2847. The Honor Code Office makes all decisions regarding Beard Waivers and Beard ID Card Waivers for students.
Faculty who have need of a Beard Waiver, please contact Faculty Relations, D-341 ASB, 801-422-7017. Employees, please contact Benefits Services, D-240 ASB, 801-422-4716. These departments make decisions regarding Beard Waivers and Beard ID Card Waivers for employees and faculty.
If a Beard Waiver is granted, the expectation is that the beard will be full-grown, not a goatee, soul patch, etc. If a Beard ID Card Waiver is granted, the ID card will only be issued when this expectation is met.
BYU ID Card Eligibility
The BYU ID card identifies the cardholder as a *current member of the campus community.
- Only eligible individuals affiliated with BYU will receive an ID card.
- Faculty, Employees, and Students must meet Dress and Grooming Expectations.
- The primary BYU ID card role (see below) is printed on the face of the ID card along with an expiration date. If a cardholder has multiple roles only the top primary role is printed on the card; however, all BYU benefits or privileges associated with other roles are granted when the ID card is accessed at campus service areas.
- Cardholders have the option to print a **preferred first name on the ID card.
- Adults must present government photo ID to get their first ID card. The first ID card is free.
- When a card expires or the individual's primary role or name changes, a new card will be issued for free, as long as the old card is turned in at the time the new card is printed.
- All replacement IDs cost $10 when the old card is not turned in, or if the old card is being replaced due solely to the individual's preference (not expiring, no role change, etc).
*The ID card's primary role is current as of the date the card was issued. We encourage all departments and services to electronically verify an individual's current role at the time of service.
**The preferred name is intended to be a less-formal name by which you are commonly known. If the ID Center determines your preferred name to be inappropriate you will not be issued an ID card until you have changed your preferred name. Changing an inappropriate preferred name takes one business day and will incur a $10 re-printing fee.
Cards are Non-Transferable
The ID card is the property of Brigham Young University and is for internal campus use only. BYU is not liable for any external use or acceptance of the card. Neither the card nor any associated services or privileges are transferable. The card must be surrendered upon request.
BYU ID Card Roles
If the 'Free UTA rides' column is marked Yes, this role is eligible for a free UTA Premium Pass ID card. UTA privileges do not end when your ID card expires; privileges expire when the role terminates (retirement, graduation, etc.). Students must be registered in on-campus for-credit classes, to keep UTA privileges. Spouses and unmarried dependents (ages 6-29) of eligible BYU employees and students are UTA eligible too. Spouses and dependents of Independent Study Instructors are not UTA eligible.
Some ID card roles are changing June 2024! The new roles are reflected below but may not "go live" until the end of June.
The determining office for this role is the Academic Vice President
Secondary Role | Card Valid For | Free UTA rides |
Full-time Faculty | 6 years | Yes |
Part-time Faculty | 6 years | Yes |
CES Personnel (teaching on campus) | 6 years | Yes |
ROTC | 6 years | Yes |
Postdoctoral Fellows | 3 years | Yes |
Visiting Full-time Faculty | 3 years | Yes |
Visiting Scholar | 3 years | Yes |
The determining offices for this role are Human Resource Services
Secondary Role | Card Valid For | Free UTA rides |
Full-time Staff | 6 years | Yes |
Part-time Staff | 6 years | Yes |
Public School Professional | 6 years | No |
Cooperating Professional | 6 years | No |
LDS Philanthropies | 6 years | No |
LDS Social Services | 6 years | No |
CES Commissioner’s Office | 6 years | Yes |
Evening School Instructor | 2 years | Yes |
Independent Study Instructor | 2 years | No |
Salt Lake Center Instructor | 2 years | Yes |
ELC Instructor | 2 years | Yes |
FSY Coordinators | 1 year | No |
The determining offices for this role are Enrollment Services
Secondary Role | Card Valid For | Free UTA Rides |
For-credit* Registered** | ||
Freshman | 3 year | Yes |
Sophomore | 3 year | Yes |
Junior | 3 year | Yes |
Senior | 3 year | Yes |
Master’s Program | 2 year | Yes |
Doctorate Program | 2 year | Yes |
Post Baccalaureate/Non-degree | 1 year | Yes |
Non-credit, Campus-registered | ||
English Language Center | 1 year | Yes |
Student Employees (approved to work before/after deferment) | 3 year | Yes |
* “For credit” means that the student will receive BYU credit hours upon completion of the class. If a BYU student registers for Independent Study classes, audit classes, withdraws, or is considered a no-show for a credit class, the student will not be eligible for UTA rides.
** A "registered" student is a student who is registered for classes during the current semester or term, or for a future semester or term. During spring and summer terms, continuing students who are not registered for current or future classes yet, but took classes during the previous winter semester, will be eligible to ride UTA with their BYU ID card.
BYU pays an annual fee for the UTA contract and it is specific to current, active students. The purpose of the contract is to facilitate access to campus for employees, registered students, and eligible family members.
Affiliate (Retiree)
The determining office for this role is Human Resource Services
Secondary Role | Card Valid For | Free UTA Rides |
BYU Retiree | Indefinite | No |
CES Retired Benefited | Indefinite | No |
Retiree Spouse | Indefinite | No |
Surviving Spouse | Indefinite | No |
BYU Benefited | Indefinite | No |
The determining office for each role is listed below. (Please contact the ID Center for CARD and UTA issues.)
Secondary Role | Card Valid For | Determining Office for ROLE | Free UTA Rides |
Affiliate Faculty | 1 year | Academic VP | No |
Graduated Alumni If you graduated prior to 1980, please call Enrollment Services, 801-422-2631, and ask that your records be digitized before visiting. | Indefinite | Alumni Relations | No |
Employee Spouse (excludes FSY, IS Instructor spouses) | 1-6 years | Human Resource Services | Yes (excludes Retiree and Surviving Spouses) |
Employee Dependent (6-29 years old, unmarried, excludes FSY, IS Instructor dependents) | 1-6 years | Human Resource Services | Yes |
CES Personnel (Seminaries & Institutes) | 6 years | Human Resource Services | No |
President’s Leadership Council | 6 years | Advancement VP | No |
BYU Wards/Stakes | 3 years | Physical Facilities | No |
Service Representatives | 3 years | University Libraries | No |
Wells Fargo Employee | 3 years | Human Resource Services | No |
Beehive Clothing (Church Distribution) | 3 years | Human Resource Services | No |
Retiree Dependent | 2 years | Human Resource Services | No |
Student Spouse | 2 years | Student Life | Yes |
Student Dependent (6-29 years old, unmarried) | 2 years | Student Life | Yes |
Former Students/24+ completed hrs | 2 years | Alumni Relations | No |
Full-time Missionaries | 1 year | Physical Facilities | No |
Friends of the Library (includes LMG) | 1 year | Harold B. Lee Library | No |
Donors | Department | Advancement VP | No |
Non-Admitted Student / Guest / Volunteer | Department | Student Life | No |
Contract Worker (includes GNT) | Length of project | Sponsoring Department | No |
Design and Content
On the front of your BYU ID card:
Your primary role is printed on the face of the card. As an individual may have multiple roles and roles may change, entitlements based on roles are authenticated electronically.

On the back of your BYU ID card:

The magnetic stripe stores your BYU ID number, which allows your information to be accessed electronically at various locations on campus. ID cards also have an internal smart chip and antenna. Do NOT punch a hole in the card or bend it; if you damage the chip or antenna, the smart chip will not work and it will cost $10 to replace. Instead, check out the BYU Store's supply of card holders.
The back of the card also states important information regarding the use of your card:
This card is the property of Brigham Young University and is for internal campus use only. BYU is not liable for any external use or acceptance of this card. Neither this card nor any associated services or privileges are transferable. This card is not valid unless signed in ink and must be surrendered upon request. If found, please return to WSC ID Center, Provo UT 84602. Postage is guaranteed.
Preferred Names
You can have your preferred first name printed on your ID card.
The preferred name is intended to be a less formal name by which you are commonly known. If the ID Center determines your preferred name to be inappropriate you will not be issued an ID card until you have changed your preferred name. Changing an inappropriate preferred name takes one business day and will incur a $10 re-printing fee.
To set your Preferred Name:
- Log in to MyBYU
- Under the Campus Links Communication drop-down menu select Personal Information
- Select Names
- Enter your Preferred First Name
- Select the name you want to be displayed on your ID card
- Save Changes
Note: Only hyphens or apostrophes are allowed, no periods, commas or other punctuation please.
Last Name Change
The ID card will show your official last name of record, not your "preferred" last name. Students who would like to change their official last name need to visit the Registrar's Office in B-150 ASB before a new ID card can be issued. For more information, please visit
Employees need to notify Benefits Services, D-240 ASB, before a new card can be issued.
You are not required to get a new ID card with your new last name. If you would like to get a new card with your new last name, bring your current ID card to the ID Center approx. 1 week after changing your name. We will swap out the current card for a new card at no charge. If your current card is lost, a new card will cost $10. If your current photo is 2 or more years old, you will need to submit a new photo.
ID Card Photo
You may need a new photo to get a new ID card. We have been asked to get a new photo if your current photo is 2 years old or older. Regardless of whether or not a new photo is needed, you must meet Dress and Grooming Expectations every time you replace your ID card.
Before visiting to get an ID card, please submit a new photo online - click here.
The ID Center asks that no hats or scarves be worn for the picture (exceptions may be made for medical conditions or religious reasons). We also ask that jewelry and hair accessories not be so large that they cover or shadow your face.
Gentlemen, if you have a valid Beard Waiver, please bring your current ID card to the ID Center to receive a new ID card.
Your ID card picture is viewed by professors, administrators, department employees, and the Honor Code Office. We encourage students to use good judgment when having their picture taken; potential employers, professors, and mentors can view your photos and may get their first impression of you based on your ID card picture. The ID Center will not accept pictures with inappropriate expressions or any gestures.
For information about getting a copy of your ID card photo, please see the ID Center Services page.
Photo Identification and Authentication Use:
Brigham Young University’s ID card photos are used for identification and authentication purposes. Agents of Brigham Young University are authorized to see and electronically scan a BYU photo ID card prior to providing or authorizing university services. If the card is not available, university agents are authorized to access photos for identification.
All authorized access to photos must conform to the following rules:
- Access to photos is through an authorized web service.
- Photos are NOT to be saved in applications outside of the ID card program or OIT Personal Information system without OIT approval.
- Agents accessing photos are to follow all business rules governing the use and display of photos - i.e., photos flagged as ‘Unlisted’ and ‘Restricted’.
- All individuals accessing photos must be properly instructed concerning non-disclosure and the use of personal information. This should include FERPA training and the signing of a non-disclosure document.
- Printing of photos must have a legitimate university purpose and all printed copies must be stored, used, and disposed of, following rules governing personal information.
- Photos are not to be manipulated or changed from the officially stored image.
- Individuals and/or departments violating any of the rules governing the use of photos will be subject to appropriate corrective action, up to and including termination of rights to access and use photos.
Photo Non-Authentication Use:
(ie. department directories, awards and service recognition)
Within Brigham Young University, ID card photos may be used for non-authentication purposes according to the following guidelines:
Employee Photos:
The University reserves the right to use directory information, including employee photos, for University purposes.
Student Photos:
The use of Brigham Young University photos of current or past students for non-authentication purposes, outside of employment issues, may be granted only with the authorization and approval of the individual. Authorization should be for a specific use and for a specified time and or event.
All non-authentication uses of photos for current or past students, not currently employed by the University, must conform to the following rules:
- An official and specific “opt-in” process is used for each application.
- An individual can rescind authorization at any time and terminate the use of their image.
- “Good faith” and “reasonable” efforts must be taken by the area using the photo to protect and prevent photos from being misused.
- Photos are not to be manipulated or changed from the officially stored image.
Non-Employee/Non-Student Photos:
The University reserves the right to use directory information, including photos, of individuals without an official student record or not currently employed by the University, at the University’s discretion.